Sunday, November 30, 2008

BUST Christmas Craftacular

We will be at BUST Christmas Craftacular on
Saturday Dec.6

It's from 12pm to 12am at St. Aloysius Social Club 20 Phoenix Road.
Near Euston Station.
Shop, dance and be merry!! Down some drinks as you learn to craft and listen DJs while you are
browse handmade wares. Don't miss it!


Wendyross33 said...

Hello there I randomly came across a pic on flckr of one of your dolls posted by someone who bought one from you. I fell in love with it and I really need one for a gift to her baby boy that she soon will be having. Its the 'Albert' Einstein. Is this possible.

Wendyross33 said...

oops. Sorry its late, for me. My friend is having a baby and I want to buy an 'Albert' off you. I know your dolls are one of a kind but I really need that Albert. Please e-mail me if you are able to make another one with the price if you could please. Thanks Wendy Ross.

Bobby Dazzler said...

Hi, could you explain little bit more about "Albert"? or give us a link to the photo on flicker? xxx

Wendyross33 said...
If this link does not work then look up peas and needles its under Albert. Hope it works. Talk to ya, W. Ross